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Leaving a legacy

Bequests have been enormously important to Harrow since its earliest years.

We owe our very foundation to the bequest of John Lyon, whose original endowment and reversionary legacy paved the way for a tradition of philanthropy and giving back that has shaped the School that exists today.

As we celebrate 450 years of heritage and tradition at Harrow and look to the decades and centuries ahead, leaving a gift in your will is your opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the School for generations to come.

Leave a gift in your will and help safeguard Harrow's future. 

Your support:

  • provides life-changing support to talented boys in need of financial assistance 
  • enables the creation of state-of-the-art facilities and funding of capital projects 
  • helps establish a permanent endowment for future generations of Harrovians 
  • helps preserve the School’s key buildings and heritage 


As a legator you will invited to join our Edward Bowen Society, named after the notable benefactor, former beak, House Master and Director of Music.

Edward Ernest Bowen wrote the lyrics to many Harrow songs including 40 Years On. In addition, he bequeathed The Grove and other property to the School. Members of the Society are invited to donor events, and on receipt of the eventual bequest your family will be invited to a memorial tree planting ceremony. Your name will also be recorded in the Harrow Tree Book.

Change a life through your legacy.

In the case of bequests for bursary awards, the preference of the Trustees is to invest the proceeds in the School’s annual Foundation Awards, a minimum 90% fee award to talented candidates from disadvantaged families. These Awards are managed as part of the permanent endowment investment fund.

Bequests to Harrow School are exempt from Inheritance Tax

  • As a charity recognised by HMRC, all legacies at the current time to the School are free from Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax. By choosing to make a gift in this way you may reduce the total tax liability of your estate to your family.
  • If your estate is worth over £325,000 and, if you leave a minimum of 10% of your estate to charity, the tax due may be paid at a reduced rated of 36% instead of 40% on the balance of your estate.

How to leave a legacy


Let us know your plans, this is not a requirement but does help us with our long term financial planning.


If you have already made your Will but now wish to include Harrow, you can use our sample Codicil form or one that your Solicitor advises.

In all instances, we advise consultation with your legal advisor when drawing up or revising your Will.

Types of Legacy

I have chosen to leave a legacy to Harrow because I want to help boys, whose families might otherwise find the fees beyond them, to have the opportunity to receive the first-class education that Harrow gave me."

Prof David London (Newlands 19462)