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New Science Building

A ceremony has been held to celebrate the first day of construction of Harrow School's new Science Building.

The Head Master and a small group of staff, boys, governors and invited guests gathered to watch the three secretaries of the Science Society break the ground prior to first piling on site.

"Throughout Harrow’s history, transformative construction projects have ensured the margin of excellence that distinguishes a Harrow education," said Head Master Alastair Land. "The need for inspiring building environments for Harrovians is as important today as it has been for the last 450 years. The building will be an inspiring centre of excellence in biology and chemistry for use by Harrovians and the local community."

The Science Building, which is set to open in 2023, will house 16 state-of-the-art laboratories, a 180-seat lecture theatre, research laboratories for specialist projects and A level studies, and a sustainable-energy centre supplying efficient utilities to other parts of the School.

As the School prepares to mark the 450th anniversary of Harrow’s foundation in 2022, the Governors have set an ambitious development programme that will celebrate 450 years of Harrow and provide an abiding legacy for decades to come. 

Work has already started to refurbish the dining room, known as the Shepherd Churchill Dining Hall, and the Science Building is the second development to begin in recent months. Future projects include a new Sports Centre.