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Harrow School - Covid-19

In accordance with government instruction, the School site is currently closed and we are sorry not to be able to welcome visitors to the School, including for the moment all prospective parents.

If you are a current parent, you will be receiving regular information from me. If you are a prospective parent, our Admissions team is available to answer any questions you may have about entry this September and beyond; please visit the Admissions section here.

Remote learning

We are committed to providing continuity of education and pastoral support for our pupils throughout this crisis. As soon as we were aware that we would to be able to operate as usual, we moved to a remote learning model which began in the final week of the Spring term. We continue to offer a full academic and co-curricular experience for our boys, albeit in a virtual context and adjusted for those in different time zones. Provision includes live online lessons, music, sport, art and drama. Our outstanding pastoral care is being delivered uninterrupted through House Masters, Assistant House Master, Matrons, Tutors and the chaplaincy, with guidance and support from our Pastoral Support Committee.

Supporting our Community

Thanks to the generosity of many parents and families, tens of thousands of pieces of PPE continue to be delivered to local healthcare workers. You can read more about this here.

Donations to the Covid-19 response fund have allowed us to provide financial support to local organisations and the money donated is being strategically targeted to trusted organisations to make the biggest possible impact, particularly in healthcare and in fighting food poverty. You can read more about this here.

We continue to offer support to Harrow Council and other partner organisations, and Harrow School is one of the principal Food Bank partners. Through this scheme over 4,000 people have now been provided with a week of food, with plenty more to come. The School has also been proactive in reaching out to groups whose education is most affected by the current crisis. We have continued to build resources for children in care and many teachers have volunteered to teach extra lessons to support this initiative, which aims to reduce the increased learning gap disadvantaged students will face from a prolonged absence from school.

We are acutely aware of the impact that the coronavirus is having on all members of our community and greatly appreciate the support and understanding of our parents, pupils and staff at this exceptional time.

Alastair Land

Head Master