Harrow’s outgoing Fifth Form achieved outstanding (I)GCSE results, following a return to pre-pandemic grading standards this year.
Over 40% of grades achieved were at grade 9 level, with over 70% of grades at either grade 9 or grade 8 level. Bar the pandemic years, the grade 9-A* percentage is the highest on record, and the 9-A rate is the highest since 2013.
Director of Studies, Charles Bailey, said “I am thrilled for the boys that they have achieved so impressively in a public examination context this year. Their achievements are testament to their hard work and dedication, ably supported by the wonderfully talented teaching and non-teaching staff in the School.”
The School is excited to see how this cohort will flourish as they move into their A-level years from September.
Last week we were delighted by the achievements of our outgoing Upper Sixth boys in their recent A-level examinations.
At A-level, almost a third of boys achieved A*s. Bar the pandemic years, the A*-A and A*-B rate is the highest since 2013. Over two-thirds of grades were either A*s or As. At A Level, the results represent the strongest value-added results for the boys in a decade.
Two boys achieved five or more A* grades, with eleven boys gaining four or more A*s. Twenty-one (13%) gained three or more A*s and eighty-five boys (52.8%) gained three or more A*-A grades.
These strong A-level results have translated into a positive set of university outcomes. Some highlights from the 2023 university cycle include:
- Harrovians will be taking up places at seven of the world’s top ten universities (QS World University Rankings) including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and UChicago;
- Success beyond UK and US with one boy attending ETH in Zürich, ranked 9th globally;
- 30 Harrovians gained places at US universities;
- A record 15 Harrovians will be taking up places at six of the eight Ivy League schools in the United States of America;
- Nearly a third of boys will take up places at institutions ranked in the world’s top twenty including Princeton, Columbia and Edinburgh;
- One boy will be beginning a Degree Apprenticeship with PWC this autumn.