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National Green Careers Week

It was National Green Careers Week from 6-12 November and there was a busy programme of related activities for boys at Harrow to engage with.

On Monday boys were afforded the opportunity for a hands-on workshop where they got to ‘Design your own sustainable home’. On Tuesday as part of the PSHEE programme at Harrow, Mr Mark Haviland, one of the leading figures in the field of Careers Education in the UK, addressed all Sixth Form boys on the subject of ‘Conscious Careers’. That afternoon boys were also able to meet Mr Haviland for a round table discussion on the subject of ‘The Age of the Purposeful Entrepreneur’.

On Thursday Professor Alison Anderson delivered a presentation and Q&A session on how ‘Communication is Key to Fighting the Climate Crisis.’ Then on Friday boys had the opportunity to meet with engineers who are developing green technologies for a discussion of how ‘Engineering is changing to meet the climate emergency’. 

Boys were also provided with a series of online resources and encouraged to think beyond Green Careers Week about how the world of work is responding to the climate emergency. They were informed that the future of work is getting ever greener and encouraged to research how best they can start now to prepare themselves for this change and thereby future proof their careers as well as help to solve the climate emergency.