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Menopause education

Upper Sixth boys at Harrow have been learning about the menopause as part of their PSHEE education.

They recently welcomed guest speakers, Lesley Salem founder of the menopause educational agency Over the Bloody Moon and Sheree Hargreaves who, at aged 15, was diagnosed with premature menopause, for an interactive session aimed at preparing boys for the real world.

Dr Thomasin Bailey, Head of PSHEE at Harrow School, said: "Boys need to learn about menopause to prepare them for the real world: a world that includes women. The best way to tackle sex-based discrimination – or any discrimination – is through empathy, and you can’t have empathy without understanding. At Harrow, we see PSHEE as one opportunity for Harrovians to gain that understanding."

You can read more about the session in this article by The Times.