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Inter-House drill competition

The Park has been awarded the trophy for Best Drill and Turned Out House at the annual Inter-House Drill Competition.

Cadets from each of the 12 boarding Houses take part in this much anticipated and closely fought event which was judged by Major Davies, the Second in Command of the Harrow Rifle Corps. It was also attended by the Head Master, Colonel Land, and Sgt Lemoine.

Military discipline is founded on Drill - it is believed that a unit which turns out well and drills well can be relied on to do anything required of it well.

Harrow's cadets were judged on the precision of their marching and their appearance and uniform.

Results were:

Ingram Trophy - Best Turned Out House: The Park

Capt Robson Trophy - Runner up in Turn Out: The Grove

H.S.O.T.C Drill Trophy - Ruggles-Brise Cup: Best House at Drill

Maj Davies Trophy - Runner up in Drill: The Park

The Spencer Eade Trophy - Best at Drill and Turned Out House: The Park

Welsh Guards Trophy - Best Cadet Instructor: Freddie Strange

Felix Davis Trophy - Best Cadet: Jonah Peppiatt