Support and Resources
Vaughan Library
Marie Staunton, Head of Library and Archives
The Vaughan Library is over 150 years old and was designed in Victorian Gothic style by George Gilbert Scott, who also conceived St Pancras Station in London. Refurbished and enlarged 23 years ago, it is staffed today by qualified librarians and open daily for boys to study, browse and enjoy a quiet space. There are over 30,000 items of stock, including books, a wide range of daily newspapers, magazines and journals. Our online resources include Naxos Music Library and JStor. The reading room houses a large collection of fiction and literary criticism, and the upper floors support our academic subjects and boys' wider areas of interest. Our book collections are diverse, challenging and stimulating. The study room houses an extensive art collection and a universities and careers section, together with sport and travel books. We provide subject resource guides, reading lists and displays on new and prize-winning books, as well as classic and favourite reads. Every new boy and member of staff has an introduction to the Vaughan Library early in the Autumn term and there are subject-specific inductions throughout the year. The Shells are encouraged to read and review books for the display boards in the Reading Room and have guided reading lessons to encourage and support their reading. There are chess sets, backgammon and games available for boys to play. We encourage the whole school community to read and share their book choices, to instil a love of reading for pleasure. For more information, contact the Head Librarian. In addition to the Vaughan Library, each House has its own 'Reader' and there are libraries in most departments.
Information and Communications Technology
Every boy has a high-spec, mobile device for 1-to-1 learning, connected across the entire School site to filtered internet via a high-speed 1000mbps link. Our classrooms are fully equipped with robust wifi, data projectors, smartboards, document cameras and a plethora of subject-specific ICT hardware. There are several dedicated ICT Suites located in academic departments. All boys follow a core Computer Science programme in their Shell year, and have the opportunity to take Computer Science as a GCSE. The School makes strong use of virtual learning tools, while at the same time exercising discernment rather than following fads.
House Tutors
Each boy is assigned a tutor who is connected to his Boarding House. Together with his tutor he creates academic targets at the start of each term, for review at half term and at the end, and helps him to establish good patterns of work (by checking that his One Note files and any physical files are well organised, for example). Tutors normally do one duty night a week in the Boarding Houses, during which they will review the academic progress of their tutees. Sixth Form Tutors liaise closely with the Academic and Universities Director and support their tutees' university applications. Pastorally, Tutors also attend Chapel with their tutees, eat lunch with them during the week and take them out on Saturday evening trips.
Academic Scholars
Our Master-in-Charge of Scholars encourages the brightest pupils to take charge of their learning, meeting with them regularly to discuss their interests, outcomes and goals so that they develop a truly independent approach. Our Super-Curriculum offers a vast range of interest groups, activities and competitions, strongly supported by individual departments. For more information, contact the Master-in-Charge of Scholars.
Boys receive a comprehensive end of term report from each of their Masters and their House Master, as well as a briefer half termly report with effort and achievement grades and a report by their Tutor. Once a year, we invite parents to the School to discuss their son's progress with the Masters who teach him and, when appropriate, future subject choices. Beyond this formal reporting cycle, parents may correspond with their son's House Master at any time during the School year.
English as an Additional Language
In order to manage the academic and social demands of life at Harrow, boys are required to display reasonable fluency in English language. Screening for EAL occurs at Common Entrance and, when a boy reaches Harrow, in his English lessons and through dedicated EAL tests. In those cases where a boy needs extra support, teaching can be provided by specialist EAL teachers working within the Learning Skills department. All Masters at Harrow receive advice about those boys with EAL needs, and Form-Room strategies are suggested to facilitate the learning of such boys. For boys entering the Sixth Form without a required English Language qualification for university entrance, preparation for the IELTS examination will be provided.