Visitor Information
From West London
Take the A40 going west, then A4127 and A4005 to Harrow on the Hill.
From South-West London
Take the A312 to Harrow, then follow signs to Harrow on the Hill.
From West and South of London
Take the M25 to J16 (M40/A40 EAST) up to the A4127 and then the A4005 to Harrow on the Hill.
From the North
Exit the M1 at J5, onto the A41. Take the A411 next, followed by the A409. Then follow signs first for Harrow and, afterwards, for Harrow on the Hill.
From the East
Exit the M25 at J23, following the A1 right onto A411, before joining the A409. Follow signs to Bushey, then Harrow and then Harrow on the Hill.
From Heathrow Airport
Exit the M4 at J3, take the A312 to Harrow and then follow signs to Harrow on the Hill.
General Parking
The School car park is at the bottom of Garlands Lane (postcode: HA1 3GF, map reference: C2) from where there is a steep walk back up to the High Street. Please allow ten minutes to reach your destination.
Entrance to Garlands Lane from Peterborough Road
Admissions Parking
Visitors to the Admissions Office may park at Peel House (postcode: HA1 3EA, map reference: C3), which is accessed via a steep drive on the right-hand side of Football Lane (map reference: C2).
Peel House (Admissions Office)
Top of Football Lane, from the High Street/Peterborough Road
Cricket Parking
In dry weather, visitors attending cricket matches may park on the Philathletic Ground (postcode: HA1 4AA, map reference: A2/A3), which is accessed via Whitmore Road (map reference: A2).
The Philathletic Ground
Philathletic Ground Entrance, from Whitmore Road
Train and London Underground
The nearest London Underground and mainline train station is Harrow-on-the-Hill (Metropolitan and Chiltern Lines). If you wish to walk from the station (ten minutes uphill), take the left exit after passing through the ticket barriers. At the end of the service road, turn left again, then take the first right up Grove Hill to reach the School. If you wish to take a taxi, take the right exit after passing through the ticket barriers, where you will find a taxi rank. Please stress that you need Harrow School, on top of the Hill, and not Harrow High School.
South Harrow (Piccadilly Line) is 20 minutes’ walk from the School: turn right after passing through the ticket barriers, continue across the Waitrose roundabout, and then up Middle Road, Crown Street and West Street until you meet the High Street. Taxis are rarely waiting at South Harrow, so it is best to pre-order one if required.
The 258 from Watford Junction to South Harrow and the H17 from Harrow Bus Station to Wembley Central both stop at Harrow School about every 15-20 minutes.
The main School reception is in the Bursary (map reference: B3, number 27), a building just off the High Street, accessed via Obadiah Slope. If you are coming from the Garlands Lane car park or Harrow-on-the-Hill station and pass West Street on your right, you have gone too far. If you are coming from South Harrow station and pass Church Hill on your left (map reference: B3), you have gone too far.
To Reception, in The Bursary
West Street
Church Hill
Sports Fixtures
Boards showing where teams are playing are located at the bottom of Garlands Lane, in front of the tennis courts, between the tennis courts and the Sunley Field, at the entrance to the Sixth Form Ground and on the Philathletic Ground.
Highland Comfort Taxis
Tel: +44 (0)20 8864 7888
Tel: +44 (0)20 8385 0101
Cafés and Restaurants
There are lavatories in the Bursary, Sports Centre and Shepherd Churchill Building.
To the Bursary
Sports Centre
Shepherd Churchill Building
Cashpoint (ATM)
There is a cashpoint at the top of Waldron Road (80-82 High Street, Harrow HA1 3LW).