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Harrow Terminology

Visitors to the Hill will hear some unique terminology. While the origins of many of these words and phrases may have been lost in time, they remain a common language among those who have spent time at Harrow.

  • Beak is a teacher, also known as a Master
  • Bill or call over is a compulsory roll call, held in each House three times a day.
  • The Bill Book is a small blue book that provides essential information about the School and the term's calendar.
  • Bluer is the uniform's dark blue jacket. Greyers are the grey trousers.
  • Butteries are the kitchens in the Houses.
  • Copy is awarded for 12 send ups or to the top boy in each subject every term. Boys with eight copies win a prize.
  • Double is lines on special paper, set as a sanction.
  • Eccer is any form of games. 
  • Ducker is the swimming pool.
  • Flannels are School colours for sport. A boy awarded his Flannels for cricket, rugby, football, Harrow football or for minor sports may wear a grey waistcoat with his tails.
  • The Guild is a specially appointed group of senior boys who have shown artistic or cultural excellence. They have a distinctive maroon tie and may wear a maroon waistcoat with their tails.
  • Locking up is a deadline, after which time boys must sign out if they wish to leave their House.
  • Monitor is a prefect.
  • Passage is a corridor in a Boarding House.
  • The Philathletic Club is made up of the School's top athletes, commonly called The Phil. They may wear a black bow-tie.
  • Remove is the second year group at Harrow and Shell the first.
  • Queue are times each day when boys may meet with their House Master to withdraw money, to report send ups and skews, and for other matters of business or concern.
  • Send up is a piece of very good work.
  • Shepherd is a Remove boy whose job it is to look after new Shell boys for their first two weeks.
  • Skew is a sanction from a Beak for poor or incomplete work.
  • Tolley up is permission to work after lights out.
  • Torpids are an Under-16 House sports team.
  • Tosh is a bath or shower.
  • Trials are internal School examinations.
  • Yarder is both an outdoor recreation area and a game played there.
  • Yearlings are Shell teams or groups.